45 Inch TV Dimensions

45 Inch TV Dimensions – Will a 45 Inch TV Fit My Room?

With TVs getting bigger and cheaper every year, a 45 inch TV is now a very popular choice for many households. But before you purchase that shiny new 45 inch television, it’s important to double check if it will actually fit in your space. This guide will provide the complete 45 inch TV dimensions and measurements you need to avoid any surprises.

Introduction to 45 Inch TVs

A 45 inch television has a screen measurement of 45 inches diagonally from corner to corner. Some quick facts about 45 inch TVs:

  • Popular models from top brands like Samsung, LG, Sony, TCL
  • Mid-range size – larger than 32-43 inch models but smaller than giant 60+ inch TVs
  • High resolution 4K models widely available

With their crisp 4K resolution and sizable display, 45 inch televisions deliver an immersive viewing experience without dominating your room like a massive 75 inch screen might. Their manageable footprint also allows 45 inch TVs to fit into more spaces than giant displays.

Exact 45 Inch TV Dimensions

But exactly what width, height and depth measurements comprise that 45 inch screen size? Let’s break down the exact 45 TV dimensions you need to measure your entertainment centers, media consoles and walls.

Height and Width

Without the included stand, most 45 inch 4K TVs have very similar outer dimensions:

Height: 24?? inches 
Width across: 41?? inches
Diagonal (corner to corner): 45 inches

So if wall mounting, ensure you have at least 25 inches of vertical space and 42 inches of horizontal room for easy installation.

Depth and Bezels

45 inch LED TVs measure around 3 inches deep excluding any rear protrusions, making them easy to place on furniture. However, the total front-to-back depth increases substantially if the stand is still attached:

Depth with stand: ~10 inches
Depth without stand: ~3 inches 
Bezel thickness: 0.5 inch

So removing the stand provides lots of extra flexibility in positioning your new 45 inch television within a cabinet or credenza.

Stand vs No Stand

Here is a comparison of 45 inch television depths and dimensions with and without the factory stand:

Dimension Without Stand With Stand
Height 24?? inches 27 inches
Width 41?? inches 41?? inches
Depth 3 inches 10 inches
Distance from surface 2 inches 4.5 inches

As you can see, detaching the stock stand significantly reduces the total depth and height, while still keeping the screen at a reasonable vertical angle thanks to the built-in stands on the rear of most flat panel TVs.

Compare 45 Inch vs Other TV Sizes

Do smaller or larger televisions share the same dimensions as 45 inch displays? Let’s quickly compare typical depth and bezel measurements across popular TV sizes:

Screen Size Depth with Stand Depth without Stand Bezel Size
32 inch 8-9 inches < 3 inches 0.5 inch
43 inch 9 inches 3 inches 0.5 inch
50 inch 11 inches 2.5 inches 0.6 inch
55 inch 12 inches 2.5 inches 0.3 inch
60 inch 14 inches 3 inches 0.3 inch
70 inch 15 inches 3.5 inches 0.4 inch

A few interesting notes:

  • Smaller 32-43 inch TVs require less depth than 45 inch and up
  • Large 60-75 inch screens need substantial furniture space when on stands
  • Bezels and panel depth stay relatively constant across mid-size and large TVs

So while upgrading to a massive 75 television might not work dimension-wise, stepping up to a 50 or 55 inch screen from a 45 inch could still fit your current furniture footprint.

Will a 45 Inch TV Fit My Media Console?

Will that shiny new 45 inch flat screen actually fit on your media console or dresser? Avoid returns and headaches by properly measuring 45 inch television width against your furniture before purchase.

Spacing Requirements

When placing your 45 inch TV in an entertainment center or credenza, allow for ventilation by maintaining at least:

  • 3 inches of depth space
  • 2-4 inches clearance on sides
  • 1 inch buffer on top

This breathing room prevents overheating and allows cables to route in back.

Measuring Furniture

Does your furniture meet these 45 inch TV dimensions? Grab a tape measure!

For length against a wall, measure the inner span left-to-right rather than the total furniture width since sides are often set back. This inner length must exceed 41?? inch width of a 45 inch screen.

Then measure the inner depth from front of cabinet to back – aim for around 13 inches to comfortably fit a 45 inch TV on its stand. For low-profile consoles, detach the stand for under 5 inches depth.

Match your furniture measurements against the 45 inch TV dimensions earlier to determine TV fit. Still not sure? Bring the tape measure with you to test various placements in-store.

Mounting a 45 Inch TV on the Wall

To install a 45 inch 4K television on your wall, first determine exactly where you want to mount it. Place a tape measure against the wall to visualize how much horizontal and vertical space the mounted 45 inch screen will require based on your seating position.

Mounting Measurements

When mounted, a 45 inch TV dimensions measure:

Height: 24?? inches 
Width across:  41?? inches  
Depth from wall: <3 inches

Add around 4-6 inches above and to both sides for mount overhang and spacing.

So in total, for a wall-mounted 45 inch flat screen you’ll want:

  • 50+ horizontal inches across the mounting area
  • 30+ vertical inches in height

This allows the proper 45 inch tv width for viewing without bumping into side walls or furniture beneath.

Picking a Wall Mount

opt for a sturdy low profile mount rated for your 45 inch TV weight that extends less than 3 inches from the wall. Swivel and tilt mounts also allow adjusting vertical angles for glare avoidance. Make sure screws used can support the TV frame and anchor securely into wall studs or concrete.

Transporting and Setting Up 45 Inch TV

Now that you’ve purchased the perfect 45 inch smart TV for your viewing pleasure, it’s time to get it home! Here are some 45 inch TV dimensions to consider during transportation and setup:

  • Measure room access points like doors and hallways to ensure 45 inch TV width fits through during transport
  • Calculate the distance from the parking spot to the house to determine if a hand cart is needed
  • Remove the stand first to move flat screen around tight corners
  • Reattach stand once 45 inch TV is placed in final location
  • Allow 4-6 inches of clearance around the entertainment console

With some planning, measuring, and furniture shuffling as needed beforehand, your exciting new 45 inch television will fit right at home!

Also Read Other TV Size and Dimensions:

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are all 45 inch TVs the same dimensions?

A: Dimensions can vary slightly across brands, but generally all 45 inch TV widths are roughly 42 inches wide and heights around 25 inches. Check the manual to confirm the exact measurements.

Q: Can a 45 inch TV fit in my 40 inch TV stand?

A: Maybe, if the existing stand is at least 41 inches wide. But double check 45 inch TV widths against the inner dimensions of the stand and remove the existing 40 inch TV first.

Q: Is a 45 inch TV too big for my bedroom?

A: Not necessarily, if furniture and viewing distance accommodate it. Ensure at least 8-12 feet distance from the bed for comfort.

Q: Does screen size affect picture quality?

A: Not inherently – a 40 inch 4K TV displays the same quality image as 70 inch 4K screen. But larger screens immerse you more from a given viewing distance.


I hope this complete overview of 45 inch television dimensions – height, width, depth, stand vs no stand, screen sizes comparisons, etc – helps determine if that gorgeous new 45 inch flat screen will fit in your designated space.

Be sure to properly measure furniture, walls, and room access before purchase and transport to ensure your exciting new 45 inch TV arrives home ready to enjoy without hassle or returns!


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